Deploy to from CLI

I have an android app and I use Bitrise CLI for Continuous Integration.
I have a few steps (test, sign, deploy etc) but the step deploy to is failing because of missing Build URL…I don’t know what link to assign to the BITRISE_BUILD_URL env variable. Could someone guide me where I can find the Build url? (I assume this link is not generated after starting a build from within the platform itself…this would make deploy from CLI not supported)

I want this step to work because it allows me to notify the testers, friends, etc with the build via their email.

Hi @a.circus,

The Deploy to step does require You can’t run it outside of the environment, because it uses the Artifact deploy API (that’s why the $BITRISE_BUILD_URL env var is required, and that env var is set by when the build starts).

Hi @viktorbenei,

Thanks for the quick answer. I understand now…That means I must use or find another step that allows me to send email with attachments.

Correct, it means that specific step can only work with the API.

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