Can you suggest to me a good iOS release train workflow?

Hi, I just have a question. Does anybody have a good workflow for an iOS release train / pipeline to the appstore that also handles auto versioning, build number incrementation, release notes creation, etc? I need some ideas to make my release workflow.


Hey @bawenang_r!

While we don’t provide example workflows beyond what’s automatically generated when you add an app, there are steps that do a lot of what you’re looking for.

Set Xcode Project Build Number

Release Notes Extractor

Deploy to iTunes Connect

For a full list of steps available check out:

Also, if you can’t find what you’re looking for you can always use a script step or create your own custom step.

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Can you please provide links for the sample changelog file to be used with Release Notes Extractor?. I could not find one.

Thank you.

Howdy! The Release Notes Extractor is a community supported step. You’ll need to reach out to the step author.

Senior Customer Engineer

Thanks guys. I’ll have a look. And actually, I have some questions about the Set Xcode Project Build Number: Build number options besides $BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER

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