@MartinStraub when we get to work on the built in support (meaning to do it without any Build Step) we’ll definitely support the self-hosted versions of the “big three” (GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab).
Might take a bit more time for Bitbucket as the self hosted version of Bitbucket (Bitbucket Server) is quite a bit different compared to bitbucket.org, in fact it wasn’t even called Bitbucket initially, it was Atlassian Stash (Git - Atlassian Blog), and even to this day these have separate API, webhook etc. formats, while GitHub and GitLab self-hosted have the same API & other formats as the .com hosted versions. In any case, a step for Bitbucket Server is definitely possible, similar to the existing GitHub Status (GitHub - bitrise-steplib/steps-github-status) and GitLab Status (GitHub - bitrise-steplib/steps-gitlab-status) steps. You can create a step if you have some time, it’s quite simple - a related recent blog post: How to create and share your own Bitrise step - Bitrise
I just wanted to create a new feature request for this so it’s tracked. Are there any updates on this?
Thanks for the scripts @yonas, I’m sure it’ll help others in the future, until we roll out the built in support for Bitbucket Server status reporting!
It works great, but when running it after my Fastlane step it will always be successful instead of failed when fastlane exists with an error. Any tips @viktorbenei?
thx @teameh for the step. I’m facing the same issue. It will start out with FAILED status instead of IN PROGRESS status at the beginning. Any update how to fix this?