Build agent still has Xcode 12.5 installed

We’re having an issue where some of our builds (all expecting Xcode 12.5.1) are incorrectly finding Xcode 12.5 on the build agent. These are on the same build plan and were kicked off within seconds of each other

Failing build (

[22:08:17]: --- Step: ensure_xcode_version ---
[22:08:17]: ----------------------------------
[22:08:17]: $ xcversion selected
[22:08:20]: ▸ Xcode 12.5
[22:08:20]: ▸ Build version 12E262
[22:08:20]: Selected Xcode version is not correct: 12.5. You expected 12.5.1.
[22:08:20]: To correct this, use: `xcode_select(version: 12.5.1)`.
|                       Lane Context                       |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM | ios                                   |
| PLATFORM_NAME    | ios                                   |
| LANE_NAME        | ios download_development_certificates |
[22:08:20]: Selected Xcode version doesn't match your requirement.
Expected: Xcode 12.5.1
Actual: Xcode 12.5

Successful build (

[22:08:26]: ----------------------------------
[22:08:26]: --- Step: ensure_xcode_version ---
[22:08:26]: ----------------------------------
[22:08:26]: $ xcversion selected
[22:08:28]: ▸ Xcode 12.5.1
[22:08:28]: ▸ Build version 12E507
[22:08:28]: Selected Xcode version is correct: 12.5.1
1 Like

Hello @elsaberos :wave:

We have recently updated our images, which should mean the issue should no longer come up :slight_smile:
Let me know if you still experience any issues!

Hi, I’m still getting Xcode 12.5 installed in bitrise. Is there any update on this issue?
Here is the failing build (Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation)

| output_xctestrun                               | false                                               |
| result_bundle                                  | false                                               |
| use_clang_report_name                          | false                                               |
| disable_concurrent_testing                     | false                                               |
| skip_build                                     | false                                               |
| slack_use_webhook_configured_username_and_icon | false                                               |
| slack_username                                 | fastlane                                            |
| slack_icon_url                                 | |
| slack_only_on_failure                          | false                                               |
| xcodebuild_command                             | env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild                   |
| skip_package_dependencies_resolution           | false                                               |
| disable_package_automatic_updates              | false                                               |
| use_system_scm                                 | false                                               |
| number_of_retries                              | 0                                                   |
| fail_build                                     | true                                                |
| xcode_path                                     | /Applications/                        |


Apologies for the confusion and inconvenience. There were some issues in updating the Xcode 12.5.x stack from Xcode 12.5 to Xcode 12.5.1. These should now be corrected and the xcode 12.5.x stack should have Xcode 12.5.1 now.

If you do have an issue with this, please let us know. The best thing to do would be to open a ticket.


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