I haven’t changed anything with settings and build with version of my application 4.2.1 worked at April 04 2024, the next day the same build without changes can’t be build.
Failed to execute Step:
failed to install missing android components:
command failed with exit status 1 (./gradlew "dependencies" "--stacktrace" "-no-configuration-cache" "--refresh-dependencies" "clean" "build"):
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms8192m -Xmx16384m
e: Daemon compilation failed: Connection to the Kotlin daemon has been unexpectedly lost. This might be caused by the daemon being killed by another process or the operating system, or by JVM crash.
org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.DaemonCrashedException: Connection to the Kotlin daemon has been unexpectedly lost. This might be caused by the daemon being killed by another process or the operating system, or by JVM crash.
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.GradleKotlinCompilerWork.compileWithDaemon(GradleKotlinCompilerWork.kt:250)
Could it be because of the bitrise release? What has changed?