Analyzer failed Error while connecting a *Branch*


I am getting * Analyzer failed, error: No Gradle Wrapper (gradlew) found. * issue. Can you please help me to check what is the exact issue? I have also committed the gitignore file in the repo/branchgitignore .

Following are the few logs as well…

Scanner: android
[10:01:13] ±-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[10:01:13] | |
[10:01:13] Analyzer failed, error: No Gradle Wrapper (gradlew) found.
Using a Gradle Wrapper (gradlew) is required, as the wrapper is what makes sure
that the right Gradle version is installed and used for the build. More info/guide:
[10:01:13] | |
[10:01:13] ±-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

12 directories, 18 files

[10:01:13] Saving outputs:

[10:01:13] scan result: /bitrise/src/scan_result/result.json

[10:01:13] No known platform detected

scanner failed
| |
| x | Running project scanner (exit code: 1) | 12 sec |
| Issue tracker: …:// |
| Source: GitHub - bitrise-steplib/steps-project-scanner |

Hi @abdulmannan, sorry to hear about the issue! Can you download the logs from the scanner and send them to us, please?

Please check the link below

Hy there, we already have a card for the tooling team to fix this issue! I hope the new version will come out soon!

OK. Is there any work around for now? I can use bitrise for now or I have to come again?

well, I hope it will be released next week, until then the workaround would be, don’t use analyze :sweat_smile:

BTW, i am not using Analyze. I was just connecting my branch (as a new user). How can I turn off or skip Analyze?

Oh Sorry I misunderstood you :sweat_smile:

I was totally on the wrong track. Is this an android project by the way?
also, you can run the app addition without the scanner

Hi @fehersanyi-bitrise, Yes, It is Android project.

I have tried to run and was able to link my branch. I have also added a web hook too. Now I am getting following error on committing the code in branch.

Issue with input GradlewPath: path not exist at: MaaS-SMRT/gradlew
| |
| x | install-missing-android-tools@2.3.5 (exit code: 1) | 2.53 sec |
| Issue tracker: …bitrise-steplib/steps-install-missing-android-tools/issues |
| Source: …:// |

Infect I have the gradlew file in the branch. Please see the screenshot.

Please see the link for the Logs file.

Oh, got a pointer. Let me clone the code again…

Nops, Still don’t work. renamed the project directory to maas-android as per bitbucket repo

Issue with input GradlewPath: path not exist at: maas-android/gradlew
| |
| x | install-missing-android-tools@2.3.5 (exit code: 1) | 2.24 sec |
| Issue tracker: …bitrise-steplib/steps-install-missing-android-tools/issues |
| Source: …:// |

hy yes, it is not in the projects folder as you would think, if you are on an ubuntu stack the project is in /users/bitrise/src/ and not in /users/bitrise/src/{myProyect}/

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