Add -skipPackagePluginValidation in xcodebuild

I’ve add a plugin to a SPM manifest, while locally works, on our workflow I get the error that that plugin need to be validated.
It seems that I have to add the -skipPackagePluginValidation command to Xcodebuild, I tried different times to add in the Xcode Test for iOS step, but it seems that I’m not placing it correctly.
Where it should be written, if there are other commands should they be separated by spaces or commas?
I already read the

Message: Hi @afinollo,

Welcome to the Bitrise community forum! Sorry to hear you have hit some difficulties.

The best way to get this resolved is to raise a support ticket here and a member of the support team will investigate.

Please also enable support access so they can look at your app - Enabling the Bitrise Support Access for your app - Bitrise Docs

Thank you!