Which plan is right for us?


We have a question about which plan we should purchase. Basically, we have 1 iOS and 1 Android app that we would like to automate the build process. We have 3 major developers, 1 in the US and 2 in Japan who would need to trigger the build manually. What is the plan that will suit our use case?


Hi @ccho!

The right subscription plan depends on your project, e.g. how frequently you will start builds and how long those builds are.

You can always change your subscription, and if you increase the concurrency count of your subscription it will be pro rated, so e.g. if you add +1 concurrency at the middle of your billing period, then we’ll charge $25 instead of $50 in that billing cycle.

So, in general, it’s best to start with fewer concurrencies and add new concurrencies to your subscription as you go.

In general, a good starting concurrency count could be 1-2 concurrencies per active developers. If you have 3 full time devs working on the project(s) then 3-6 concurrencies should be a good start. If you’re just experimenting then you could also start with just 2 concurrencies (two is the minimum concurrency count for Organization subscription), and if you see that you have too many builds waiting / in queue, you can increase the concurrency count on demand / any time.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions just let us know!

Happy Building! :slight_smile:

If we only go with 1 organization plan and my 2 other colleagues in Japan will only be the regular team members without the pro plans, I will be the only one to initiate the build process, is this right?

Also, I do have a testing team in India which I don’t expect them to make any build. Do you think if I purchase only 1 organization plan, is this sufficient for my needs?

No need to purchase separate subscriptions!
The only thing what matters is the subscription of the owner of the app.

If you have an Organization subscription, then make sure that the apps/projects you register on bitrise.io are registered for the Organization, or transfer them to the Organization.

If the owner of the app have an active subscription then the app/project will have the limits of the subscription, it doesn’t matter how many people are in the team of the app. You can add admins and developers to the app/organization, and they will be able to start builds, manage configuration (admins only), etc. - team members don’t have to have a subscription at all.

One note: the limits of the subscription are shared between all the apps/projects owned by that account. This means that if your Organization has two apps the concurrencies will be shared between the two apps. If the Organization has a 2 concurrencies subscription and App A starts two builds and then App B starts another build, then App B will have to wait until one of the builds of App A finishes.

Think about concurrencies as “build spots” or “build machines”. If you have a 2 concurrencies subscription then you can run 2 builds at the same time, regardless of how many apps you have. When the 3rd build is triggered it can’t start as you don’t have a free “build machine” or “build spot” which could work on the build, the 3rd build has to wait until one of the “build spots” finishes and can work on a new build.

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If I lower the number of concurrencies from 3 to 2 a few days before billing date, do I still get 3 concurrencies until the new cycle begins? Or for maximum value do I need to switch the day before billing date?

Hi @eggheadgames,

If you downgrade you will be able to use the higher tier plan until the next renewal date every time, since payment is upfront and you already paid for the higher tier plan.

Ah, I see that message in the UI now that I’ve moved to the next step. I wasn’t sure if I’d get another confirmation, so I hadn’t proceeded to there. Thanks for the quick response!

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