Limit concurrency on specified (deploy) branches, or on project/app level (only allow X concurrency for app Y)

2 months later and… bump!
Organizations could work, but it’s nice to not have to manage access, projects, etc. Also, the concurrency pool with each project having a dedicated lane etc could be extremely useful.

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We have the same problem in our company. But, we don’t want to create two separate organizations on Bitrise because it will make managing teams more difficult.

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Any news about this? I think this is a must for organizations with multiple apps.

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We have the same problem in our company.

This was requested in 2017, and 4 years later there is still no solution. I naively thought you were listening to your community.

Hello David,

I can certainly understand your frustration and apologize that we haven’t been able to provide this yet. As much as we would like to implement all requests, we have to prioritize. We have a lot of feature requests, as well as a lot of other features and additions we are constantly added.

While it may not seem like it at times, we absolutely are listing to our awesome community of users and trying to provide those things that we feel provide the most to the most!

Stay safe and stay healthy,

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Hi Cathy, is this feature “planned” for this current year? :pray::crossed_fingers:

Hi @david.m! The ultimate goal is to replace concurrency-based pricing with the credit-based one, where this feature wouldn’t be necessary anymore. That is definitely getting close :crossed_fingers:

Hi @bitce, we have the same problem in our project/company. We wouldn’t want this associated with pricing. We simply want to disable parallel builds and want to streamline CI/CD one build after the other. The feature of disabling parallel builds regardless of pricing would be very useful.

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@bitce Unlimited credit based concurrency will naturally just make this feature even more needed for many of the described use cases in this thread, such as builds making use of a limited external resource or avoiding the concurrent editing of files from builds.