Autoscaling capability for number of concurrent machines

Hi @dvdchr-tvlk,

Thank you for the #feature-request!
This would definitely be a useful feature to have. Currently the number of concurrencies can be changed on a monthly basis, so if we’d introduce something like this we’d need to hash out the pricing implications and edge cases. Pay-as-you go is not something we are currently considering, although this seems like an option in between monthly subscription and pay-as-you-go.

I suppose this loosely ties into this feature request: Limit concurrency on specified (deploy) branches, or on project/app level (only allow X concurrency for app Y) With better allocation of your resources you could more easily avoid getting on hold builds where you need throughput the most.

Better reporting for build performance and build stats is definitely planned so you could better track build times, time spent in queue, etc.