Xcodebuild failed with error code: 65 - custom script


I have an issue in my quality workflow when running tests, I changed my Xcode version from 8.2 to 8.3 still have the same issue, my log file is attached bellow if you can help.

Thanks in advance

The error in the log is:

Running run-sonar-swift.sh...
.Running tests......................................................** BUILD FAILED **

This means that you have a custom script run-sonar-swift.sh which fails.
I’d suggest you to add this to the top of the script:

set -ex

to get easy to debug outputs from the script.

There’s another issue in the log:

Could not read configuration file at path '/Users/vagrant/git/.swiftlint.yml'

which means that your script expects a swiftlint config at the root of the repo, which is most likely gitignored in your repository - you should either commit that into the repo or create it on the fly.