Xcode Test for iOS v4.4.0

Removed support for Xcode version 10 and older. ([NOJIRA] Support only Xcode version at least 11 by lpusok 路 Pull Request #213 路 bitrise-steplib/steps-xcode-test 路 GitHub)

Fetching available Simulators now returns better error messages and it is using the JSON format internally for future-proofing. ([BE-31] Updated to new v2 simulator and destination packages by lpusok 路 Pull Request #209 路 bitrise-steplib/steps-xcode-test 路 GitHub)

Other: (Remove Xcode check by ofalvai 路 Pull Request #212 路 bitrise-steplib/steps-xcode-test 路 GitHub), (Migrating to use V2 logger. by matrangam 路 Pull Request #208 路 bitrise-steplib/steps-xcode-test 路 GitHub)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: Comparing 4.3.0...4.4.0 路 bitrise-steplib/steps-xcode-test 路 GitHub

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