
Anyone experienced this error before? " xamarin-components-restore@0.9.0 (exit code: 1) "

The xamarin components restore step’s log:

WARNING (restore): You don't appear to have credentials for components.xamarin.com saved in your cookie jar!
Do you want me to run `xamarin-component login' for you now (Y/n)? ERROR (restore): No credentials and didn't want to run `xamarin-component login'. Cannot proceed.

My xamarin account is already connected in bitrise, have i missed any step?

The first thing to check when you have an issue like this (WARNING (restore): You don't appear to have credentials for components.xamarin.com saved in your cookie jar!) is whether you have the Xamarin User Management step in your workflow, before that step. The Xamarin User Management step is responsible for authenticating with Xamarin services, so “sign you in” for xamarin services.

If that’s not an issue (you have the Xamarin User Management step before the failing step), the most likely cause is that you did not configure who’s Xamarin credentials should be used, or it’s configured to use someone else’s credentials who might not have a connected Xamarin account. The solution is really simple:

  1. Open the app/project on bitrise.io
  2. Go to the Team tab
  3. And set the right user (who has a connected Xamarin account on bitrise.io) in the Service credential User section.

This Service credential User specifies which team member’s connected accounts / credentials should be used when bitrise.io have to communicate with other services, in this case with Xamarin services.

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