- [91f7c2b] Update Go dependencies #plugin (#535)
- [9987dd4] [skip ci] - v1.3.52
- [97fc272] Fix CLI version (#534)
- [ce20b26] [skip ci] - v1.3.51
- [8c55dda] [EN-404] Update TTNorms font #plugin (#533)
- [77004c8] [skip ci] - v1.3.50
- [d12a108] [MN-761] Show credit/min (#531)
- [42e86a4] [skip ci] - v1.3.49
- [9c02c00] Fix version numbers (#530)
- [9a68d82] [skip ci] - v1.3.48
- [b227415] Fix save in CLI mode (#529) #plugin
- [af31849] [skip ci] - v1.3.47
- [3413a3b] Adjust freshpaint tracking (#526)
- [fe5b246] [skip ci] - v1.3.46
- [645d371] Fix save issue if stack tab is loaded on app startup (#527)
- [6d03b4d] [skip ci] - v1.3.45
- [b752651] Fix plugin version (#528)
- [2f78023] [skip ci] - v1.3.44
- [e9978e9] Add missing pipeline config fetching (#525)
- [e1ead54] [skip ci] - v1.3.43
- [cf8a333] Remove splash modal (#524)
- [5bbc165] [skip ci] - v1.3.42
- [beee05a] Adjust bitrise plugin version (#521)
- [c7b6815] [skip ci] - v1.3.41
- [10222ab] Fix plugin version (#520)
- [4fc383c] [skip ci] - v1.3.40
- [915831e] Show title as step output description #plugin (#519)
- [926aa0a] [skip ci] - v1.3.39
- [8ae9e92] [EN-288] Fix plugin version (#518)
- [b5dbaee] [skip ci] - v1.3.38
- [ac8c8cf] [EN-264] Track local WFE usage with Freshpaint #plugin (#516)
- [708e7a8] [skip ci] - v1.3.37
- [d1798f1] Remove beta tag from repo yml feature (#515)
- [8e39902] [skip ci] - v1.3.36
- [87751bf] [EN-254] Add freshpaint tracking to WFE (#514)
- [d17034f] [skip ci] - v1.3.35
- [ab2b31b] [EN-253] Add fallback in case last edited WF is not part of current chain (#513)
- [64f7cbc] [skip ci] - v1.3.34
- [a5c01d3] [EN-242] Extend validation error with backend message (#512)
- [5042bee] [skip ci] - v1.3.33
- [0427479] Fix js to yml conversion (#511)
- [668a984] [skip ci] - v1.3.32
- [4c47df6] [EN-224] Update app config after switching yml source (#510)
- [d3840fb] [skip ci] - v1.3.31
- [1d8fcc5] Fix save bugs (#509)
- [3a73665] [skip ci] - v1.3.30
- [1cd78ea] [EN-207] Fix before-after workflow step selection bug (#508)
- [cf0dd47] [skip ci] - v1.3.29
- [da9afb8] [EN-201] [EN-215] Finalize texts for repo yml (#506)
- [ff7a760] [skip ci] - v1.3.28
- [3a7fe01] [EN-217] Disable textbox in repo YML mode (#507)
- [4776b57] [skip ci] - v1.3.27
- [17827b6] [EN-191] Save workflow to repo modal (#505)
- [81aa7e3] [skip ci] - v1.3.26
- [efb4ca3] [EN-178] Create request service in TypeScript (#503)
- [fca59fa] [skip ci] - v1.3.25
- [6093510] [EN-190] [EN-192] Yml storage settings (#504)
- [92bfa50] [skip ci] - v1.3.24
- [270dac2] Update machine type selector[ACT-409] (#502)
- [e7dec8f] [skip ci] - v1.3.23
- [99b5cbb] [EN-189] Welcome splash modal (#500)
- [68133ce] [skip ci] - v1.3.22
- [3c4481f] [EN-188] Add beta tag fetch method (#499)
- [32f6d34] [skip ci] - v1.3.21
- [2c04953] [EN-122] Add Hotjar (#498)
- [6ade8b7] [skip ci] - v1.3.20
- [b7fd443] [EN-24] Fix bug when selecting git referenced step of another workflow (#497)
- [b9f966a] [skip ci] - v1.3.19
- [8be468c] Fix step version update inaccuracy [WEB-4217] (#496)
- [3778f68] [skip ci] - v1.3.18
- [ff32335] ignore empty stepids (#494)
- [f0552b3] [skip ci] - v1.3.17
- [5348ef9] [WEB-4236] WFE doesn't work on staging (#493)
- [6100324] [skip ci] - v1.3.16
- [4762ab2] [WEB-3980] Always hide a protected secret's value (#490)
- [ca40644] [skip ci] - v1.3.15
- [67e8938] [WEB-3694] Step Display Improvements (#489)
- [f0a0565] [skip ci] - v1.3.14
- [8f962c4] [WEB-3943]: Migrate tooltip to React with bitkit (#488)
- [846af6a] [skip ci] fix plugin version
- [2f5b822] [skip ci] - v1.3.13
- [e5b9440] [Web-3684] Workflow editor ui bugs #plugin (#482)
- [18df9df] [WEB-3534] Show step maintainer badge (#486)
- [cb3ae73] [skip ci] - v1.3.12
- [0b053bc] [WEB-3412] fix(workflow-selector): Long names (#483)
- [7fa0bfc] [skip ci] - v1.3.11
- [750829d] [WEB-3914] step loading issues (#481)
- [1ca2ec8] [skip ci][WEB-3684] Improve setup documentation and fix setup errors (#480)
- [ae3c986] [skip ci] - v1.3.10
- [566cf3c] [WEB-3913] image loading issues / step selection improvements (#479)
- [2a78071] [skip ci] - v1.3.9
- [2bb099e] [WEB-3843] Increase E2E test coverage (#476)
- [ff54f21] [skip ci] - v1.3.8
- [09cc96f] [WEB-3776] Follow S3 folder structure (#478)
- [8fb765b] [skip ci] avoid main js size bloat
- [b0b0aea] [skip ci] - v1.3.7
- [3a72cda] [WEB-3914] added more logging and improved error handling 1/2 (#475)
- [d0c23d4] [skip ci] update e2e documentation
- [9ba9cee] [skip ci] - v1.3.6
- [a7335e3] Bump acorn from 6.4.0 to 6.4.1 (#463)
- [bf71573] [skip ci] - v1.3.5
- [c08089c] [WEB-3823] E2E fixtures (#474)
- [4387b2e] [skip ci] doc change
- [23a342a] [skip ci] fix versions
- [43d776d] [skip ci] - v1.3.5
- [4ba91f2] [WEB-3520] plugin release #plugin (#473)
- [af0044f] [skip ci][website] - v1.3.4
- [b75f135] Plugin update + logging refinement (#472)
- [4c8402d] [skip ci] info logging
- [b540c61] [skip ci] fix web deploy
- [0e0a9e1] [skip ci][website] - v1.3.3
- [0c65a89] [WEB-3775] - refactoring version setter to make plugin update optional (#470)
- [229aff9] [WEB-3759] Step input e2e tests (#468)
- [bbb709c] [WEB-3769] Fix metadata issue (#471)
- [675d943] [WEB-3755] step details e2e tests (#467)
- [f734421] [v1.3.2] bump version
- [ef763ef] Added build status badge
- [9ca839b] [WEB-3755] step details e2e tests 1/2 (#466)
- [b2db509] [WEB-3754] Add workflow tab related E2E tests (#465)
- [cc759d4] [WEB-3747] Add more logging to critical points (#464)
- [c5a8139] [WEB-3772] logging environments (#462)
- [4c70ad3] [WEB-3754] Add more E2E tests (#461)
- [0b66e36] Update README.md
- [6e4f4d5] [WEB-3746] Added Datadog logging (#459)
- [cdbc605] Update test bitrise.yml with path & git URL referenced steps & steps with overwritten properties [WEB-3744] (#460)
- [bc718a2] [WEB-3686] e2e tests kickoff (#458)
- [1d3aebe] Bump steplib search version (#457)
- [811b232] Fix stylesheets referencing image URLs (#456)
- [5d8d989] v1.3.1
- [6c0b75b] Fix search deprecated steps, List steps by ID not CVS (#455)
- [b937ffb] change terser config to preserve licence (#454)
- [8dfef43] fix master deploy
- [c95bb6c] v1.3.0
- [64e0149] [TOOL-1197] step version lock release (#446)
- [8dbb6de] Remove some unnecessary AJAX request duplications [WEB-2015] (#445)
- [6a29b11] update go dependencies (#452)
- [8a2ac46] Import js-yaml (#453)
- [8a64976] Import js-yaml (#453)
- [87921b8] Separate GH and Discuss release WF (#448)
- [c436545] v1.2.1
- [7cae6ce] Add Workflows tab specification for Workflow control bar, Step list, Step details, Step Inputs (part of it) (#450)
- [bfa7c87] Fix steplib issues (#451)
- [1c24248] v1.2.0
- [d488da0] Port StepLib search service to TS (#447)
- [655323a] Reference Workflow Editor inside Go path in API dev mode (#444)
- [cb964c1] [WEB-3399] Use steplib search service for fuzzy search (#443)
- [c1cb6de] Fix unnecessary polling on Code Signing tab
- [fcef8a1] [WEB-3398] Load selected project type in step selector by default (#441)
- [9a298e1] [WEB-3397] Integrate and use StepLib Search NPM package (#437)
- [7bde675] v1.1.74
- [4543173] Fix flex bug (#439)
- [efc4f51] [WEB-3293] Handle null response at YML validation (#440)
- [11ab7a6] master deploy fixes (#436)
- [cdca998] v1.1.73
- [f3057e4] [WEB-3426] invalid version handling (#430)
- [cda30bf] Fix webpack deploy (#435)
- [8d6ca14] Revert "version bump (1.1.72 -> 1.1.73) (#433)" (#434)
- [f7bc272] remove unnecessary check (#431)
- [e786e6f] version bump (1.1.72 -> 1.1.73) (#433)
- [e1bdd9c] godeps update to pull new versions of bitrise and stepman (#432)
- [9c9e021] Webpack integration (#429)
- [d65ed3d] v1.1.72
- [825d0aa] Lazy load add step sidebar icons [WEB-2014] (#421)
- [77e2eca] Exclude "add step" button from ordering drag area of adjacent step (#422)
- [628a5f6] v1.1.71
- [1285832] Revert verified & official step badge feature for now (#427)
- [0c76dc4] Lock Ruby version to 2.5.3 (#426)
- [a3aff90] v1.1.70
- [ad1ddd4] Skip API disconnection on browser close when running in development mode (#420)
- [f6b5ce4] [WEB-3482] release (#425)
- [9b7062c] Revert "[WEB-3334] version strings extraction (#411)"
- [9446551] Revert "[WEB-3337] disable non wildcard versions in version selector (#416)" (#423)
- [e8350e5] v1.1.69
- [f248331] Update notification styling to match new design (#419)
- [cf4a8d3] Fix/Update visibility of machine type selector (#418)
- [60d76bc] [WEB-2016] Change PNGs to emojis (#417)
- [b146115] [WEB-3337] disable non wildcard versions in version selector (#416)
- [7988bb2] [WEB-3334] version strings extraction (#411)
- [52146d5] fix: Gemfile & Gemfile.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (#414)
- [320812a] [WEB-3355] housekeeping (#413)
- [9dda72d] [WEB-2963] Update Verified and Official step badges (#410)
- [686ff8e] v1.1.68
- [144733d] Add 'Coming soon' label to EliteXL MacOS machines (#409)
- [84ecaf6] v1.1.67
- [0d440e6] Fix MachineType selector issue caused by changing stack type (#406)
- [d13684c] Disable selection of not available machine types (#405)
- [283500d] v1.1.66
- [a6b002a] Fix local Workflow Editor (#404)
- [f48d94d] v1.1.65
- [376756d] Rename XSRF token (#401)
- [1e0ab96] v1.1.64
- [3a0330e] Fix issue related to Outside contributor authorization (#400)
- [27a10f6] v1.1.63
- [023d9f0] Fix tag (#399)
- [0851dfd] Return with promise instead of undefined (#398)
- [82f518c] v1.62
- [70ba43f] Update machine type selector (#396)
- [84df9e0] Fix machine type selector visibility (#395)
- [8a0aba3] v1.1.61
- [7000281] Add changInputFocusWhenFilled functionality (#394)
- [62f1c7b] Add auto code signing mode to code signing tab (#393)
- [b84a5ad] Add copy-to-clipboard functionality (#392)
- [5337def] Add file type menus to code signing tab (#391)
- [7045c92] Add apple developer portal endpoints (#390)
- [985de7e] Add machine type selector (#389)
- [bcd4250] Get plan of an organization (for machine type selector) (#388)
- [0850828] Tool 709 review workflow editor validation (#384)
- [3395a53] v1.1.60
- [37d5adf] Bump nokogiri from 1.8.5 to 1.10.4 (#386)
- [9ab781a] v1.1.59
- [5368e0f] Update to new Gem versions (#377)
- [a0224b0] Fix secret's save button (#383)
- [6b0a3ab] Fix App icon load (#381)
- [a743b1c] v1.1.58
- [7608e87] Allow update of protected Secret values (#380)
- [4f6c792] (FE) Saving bitrise.yml: display warnings to the user that was given by the CLI #a3k5r (#379)
- [6f1fe03] v1.1.57
- [29be5be] Open Workflow Editor on separate page in website mode (#376)
- [98e91f1] v1.1.56
- [14b64d2] UI always reloads the project file storages when there is an un-processed file #z1ttm (#375)
- [c3db0a1] v1.1.55
- [49713ba] Add breadcrumbs (with BetaTags) (#374)
- [00a8d0e] v1.1.54
- [2515b69] Saving bitrise.yml: display warnings #a3k79 (#371)
- [a32ae1a] Remove fastlane project type (#368)
- [804145c] v1.1.53
- [2ae0c00] Always allow to expose secrets & code signing files for PRs (#369)
- [2b0e0a4] v1.1.52
- [a04f669] Fix issue when editing protected secrets (#367)
- [fb833fd] v1.1.51
- [bb2f169] Revert "v1.1.51"
- [d1e03a3] v1.1.51
- [1557ba1] Implement markdown sanitization into WFE (#365)
- [98dd1cf] v1.1.50
- [b3bb948] YML tab can be loaded even if the bitrise.yml is invalid (Offline mode) (#363)
- [0e5cd24] Improve grammar in warning message (#361)
- [bc15a53] restore bitrise.yml
- [21c6aa5] v1.1.49
- [f647ae5] Dep update, test fix, version update (#362)
- [4a94801] v1.1.48
- [91841d2] Revert "v1.1.48"
- [d6b5195] v1.1.48
- [d6a622a] Do not lose edited trigger item data when deleting another one
- [ab3c5d4] v1.1.47
- [03272d9] Add autocomplete off for env var key inputs (#357)
- [350536b] v1.1.46
- [67cbea3] App details fetch fix #5ct3g (#356)
- [28353c1] v1.1.45
- [64f7fa2] added Flutter selector (#354)
- [e9cf45c] Fix rename workflow checkmark background (#355)
- [b187cdf] v1.1.44
- [4d38eca] Re-add GitHub icon (#353)
- [24a2552] v1.1.43
- [6c7983c] Updated platform icons & added new ones
- [e8f5123] v1.1.42
- [3babd62] Fix issue of renaming the selected Workflow then navigating away & back to the tab
- [2a70f11] Print Workflow Editor's URL on startup
- [0fa646c] v1.1.41
- [af5887e] Replace colors with corresponding constants (#349)
- [bb38118] v1.1.40
- [812c1af] Show/hide secret value on edit mode enter/exit (#347)
- [e279107] v1.1.39
- [5032439] Change colors to match new design (#346)
- [b3621ff] Revert "Update green backgrounded selectables to purple (#344)" (#345)
- [73fed5c] Update green backgrounded selectables to purple (#344)
- [302bc33] v1.1.38
- [d3a4299] Change Gotham & OpenSans font to TTNorms (#343)
- [95b25f9] Extend the version release process in the readme (#342)
- [9e32a5a] v1.1.37
- [8f582c4] Protected secret fix (#341)
- [98c1739] v1.1.36
- [23c8824] Update README.md (#335)
- [a55f5ee] Update rubyzip gem (#340)
- [458b40a] v1.1.35
- [5414324] Immediate actions for secrets (#336)
- [ee28fcf] Update CI (#339)
- [2aed36d] v1.1.34
- [b6d17a9] Add code signing related env vars to insertable variables popup (#338)
- [2f8ced8] v1.1.33
- [489e08b] Add React Native as recognized project type (#333)
- [0d81ea0] Change quay.io URL (#332)
- [bb3141a] v1.1.32
- [67799ed] Fix syntax error in GitHub changelor create (#331)
- [6b9750b] v1.1.31
- [d61b28a] Replace selected variable in input fields (#330)
- [afd4737] Fix a devcenter link (#326)
- [cec40f2] Change favicon (#328)
- [04e2cca] Update step_info_test.go (#329)
- [2bfdb06] Skip version bump commit from changelogs (#324)
- [1ee8373] v1.1.30
- [56d3354] Revert fix (#323)
- [5fbe8bc] v1.1.29
- [2fecb70] Fixing mobile Safari scrolling issue (#322)
- [6dcd121] v1.1.28
- [feb077b] Revert "Safari scrolling issue fix (#316)" (#321)
- [085c48c] v1.1.27
- [02f69df] Add option to remove sensitive input value (#319)
- [cd717a0] Mobile tab change progress bar fix (#320)
- [57961f1] v1.1.26
- [59deaef] Use minimized spec.json (#317)
- [f375daf] Safari scrolling issue fix (#316)
- [7e2679f] Discard button fix for yaml editor (#318)
- [51d8983] v1.1.25
- [8d94fee] Switch from ACE editor to Monaco editor
- [df922bd] v1.1.24
- [11c3dc8] Automate release (#310)
- [185f155] Show insert secret variable popup in case of clicking on sensitive input (#309)
- [9173309] Show progress indicator on tab change event (#311)
- [ccfa15e] Fixes #297 Yaml Editor by updateing Ace version (#308)
- [5abd452] Use commit messages for release notes (#307)
- [8283909] Remove AngularJS rails gem, and update AngularJS to version 1.7.2 (#306)
- [7aeba38] v1.1.23
- [02c4641] Update: Codesign tab generic filestore section #3azrw (#304)
- [0f66fa2] Don’t reference secrets by variable that will eventually become obsolete (#305)
- [b8d59cf] v1.1.22
- [81da1d1] Fix insert variable popup (#303)
- [587f953] Set minimum CLI version to 1.18.0 (#302)
- [19f9fd1] v1.1.21
- [78d3b19] Only display fallback error message if server does not return any errors (#301)
- [054d380] Handle sensitive input fields (#300)
- [b2b17a7] Remove newline from when copying output key (#299)
- [3a72bd7] v1.1.20
- [85b0dc5] Fix secrets reveal button (#296)
- [1c60478] Update nokogiri and sprockets gems (#294)
- [b39eabb] Godep update (#295)
- [8d065ba] v1.1.19
- [4c8052f] Fixing secrets tab alignment (#293)
- [9d70ecd] Secrets - Remove text fix #4et1a (#292)
- [bf78cae] v1.1.18
- [02d5467] Add prominent warnings (#289)
- [c84386e] Disable the "Expose for Pull-Requests" toggle if the app is public (#288)
- [2c05cbb] UX revision of android keystore file's input fields (#287)
- [1cc4316] Fix provprofile overlap (#290)
- [61426b0] v1.1.17
- [daabc84] Fix duplicate matches in steplist (#286)
- [e8f536e] Update step description and summary behavior (#285)
- [4cafccf] v1.1.16
- [55af080] Update placeholders for hidden states of fields on code signing tab (#282)
- [c8e3e37] v1.1.15
- [62b2dad] Update null-check for keystore file (#281)
- [5e54f5b] Don’t show error in Android Keystore section (#280)
- [ecba52c] Message box opening update (#279)
- [c8c9bd2] Handle if in new workflow popup enter is pressed (#278)
- [dd9356b] Increase font size for triggers (#277)
- [b4fa1c6] Stack warning update (#276)
- [a1ce0be] Update secret info data (#275)
- [58df910] v1.1.14
- [479b994] Blacklist irrelevant project types for displaying sections instead of whitelisting relevant ones (#274)
- [6f31740] v1.1.13
- [0218911] Password field fix - method #1 (#270)
- [d712899] Add and show den_tags input field if "self hosted agent" stack is selected (#273)
- [b19f058] Update secrets info notification (#268)
- [0145f81] Show sections if matching project type or if they have uploaded files (#266)
- [2f590f8] v1.1.12
- [a65878b] Only use namespaced metadata (#262)
- [7965ce6] Hide secret value after save (#263)
- [4c10b38] Disable toggles for secrets & uploaded files after they have been set to protected (#264)
- [06b1823] Ask for confirmation when making secrets protected (#265)
- [0ee78c6] Show image error in console (#260)
- [d8e1f51] Handle if stack is set to a not found one (#261)
- [f27bfdf] Clear cached selection state if last selected workflow is gone. (#259)
- [911a787] Toggle for codesigndoc info (#257)
- [23f341b] update matching certificates popup (#250)
- [fa5c121] Make env vars “is expand” false on create, but without changing it being true as the default value (#258)
- [1157679] Remove supported build prepare types url from stack tab (#256)
- [cd13067] Remove stack name from UI, it is already present in the dropdown above it (#251)
- [f3215d9] v1.1.11
- [554556a] Encrypted secrets (#253)
- [f94c3b6] Handle protected state of app files (#255)
- [86196f9] Expect unique secrets (#252)
- [7f7dccf] fix stack selector - it was empty in case of project type "other" (#249)
- [e7da4dc] Fix changelog
- [42c1ef1] v1.1.10
- [65a7ec4] Stack tab more fixes (#248)
- [7281385] v1.1.9
- [d9b29f8] Stack tab related minor fixes (#247)
- [2b6c1d9] v1.1.8
- [3187f81] Use both namespaced and non-namespaced handling for secrets' "is expose" flag - temporarily (#241)
- [db595c1] v1.1.7
- [46322aa] Stacks tab added (#235)
- [7b39fae] v1.1.6
- [449d00e] Add rel=“noreferrer noopener” for target=“_blank” links (#246)
- [85c0d2d] Update Gemfile for security reasons (#245)
- [6cc26b3] Fixes menu zindex while scrolling (#243)
- [6f5b0e6] Update CLI from 1.9.0 to 1.12.0 (#242)
- [0894679] Also include vendor.js in Jasmine testing preparation (#240)
- [b748acb] v1.1.5
- [b507ad8] new CDN link for jQuery; (#237)
- [3f7f19d] v1.1.4
- [44801af] delete all functionality for provisioning profile files and certificates (#238)
- [ebb8761] allow * as initial character when entering trigger pattern (#236)
- [712637e] Also strip workflow env vars before validating all variables (#239)
- [d4101ec] filtered empty key/value env vars and secrets (#234)
- [520700c] v1.1.3
- [ef68c80] discard button fix on triggers page (#233)
- [6b23c47] code sign tab - expiry status of identities (ProvProfile popup) (#231)
- [a16b766] set selectedMenu to null if provProfile popup is closed (#229)
- [06f7e15] display certificate details button - icon fix (#230)
- [da361fb] v1.1.2
- [1993ac1] get details route for certificates (#228)
- [c8ddc19] v1.1.1
- [4910ce8] Feature/remove job (#222)
- [086b837] Feature/wfe 2075 (#227)
- [96d5d9b] noreferrer & noopener for step source urls (#224)
- [ee759b1] show input description when the input field is expanded (#223)
- [970cf4a] validation updates and fixes (#225)
- [28dbe2c] changelog update
- [15d09a4] v1.1.0
- [9f7f5f0] v1.1
- [164a4fb] code signing files - validation (#221)
- [47f18c0] v1.0.23
- [797f4b6] Fix issue where you can't delete a generic file (#220)
- [3f69f2a] v1.0.22
- [585f901] Feature/code signing files with details (#219)
- [7f7a9b4] v1.0.21
- [b8929d8] empty step fix update (#218)
- [e35821b] v1.0.20
- [587b068] cache selected workflow, edited workflow, selected step between tabs (#217)
- [1ab7c39] empty step handling updated - user step config & user variable config are now empty objects by default (#216)
- [d6707e8] password eye style fix (#208)
- [97f546e] popover for is_expose toggle (#202)
- [ba2ae9f] source fix for forked steps (#210)
- [16087a9] testing guide added to readme (#211)
- [311ced9] v1.0.19
- [224e52d] reset border-radius to 0 for buttons (#209)
- [9f71f76] v1.0.18
- [abbe2fe] don't use jquery slim
For more information about the new Workflow Editor and how to install it, visit: