We are using couple of libraries in our Android app that we are pulling from a private Maven repo. Our credentials are stored into a gradle.properties not in source control for security reasons.
Here’s the build.gradle snippet where we define access to the private repo:
maven {
credentials {
url 'https://xxxx.artifactoryonline.com/xxxxxxx'
Where can I define ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD gradle properties in a safe fashion e.g. without having them live in our repo source code.
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Thanks for asking this here @antoine-dbr!
I think this should answer your question: Adding/overwriting configuration files (secrets, gitignored, not in repository)
If not, just let us know!
Happy Building!
Thanks for the fast feedback Viktor.
Solutions in other post may work, especially the one with using a secret env var and decrypting the file in a step after cloning the repo. It would be nice if that was supported out of the box in Bitrise though e.g. have some GRADLE_* env variables (secret or not) that can directly be injected into the build. I could see use cases beyond credentials, could be a server endpoint, etc.
Any plan to add this to the roadmap ?
We do have this on our roadmap but no ETA yet - feel free to create a #feature-requests for it, to bump its priority!
It’s already possible, with App Env Vars and Secret Env Vars - those are regular environment variables, so you can use those in your scripts/configs as you would any other env var. E.g. in Gradle you can use
Interesting, I was not familiar with the injection via System.getenv(), that would definitely work, thanks again Viktor!
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I’m seeing this same behavior now. I have a build job that expands secret variables in this way, using System.getEnv(“ENV_VAR_KEY”). I ran the job once and the call to System.getEnv retrieved the secret variable. I then ran the job a second time and the call to System.getEnv returned null. The build script being run is a Gradle build script in an Android build.
So I’m looking for information that would indicate why System.getEnv would fail sometimes when run in a Gradle build script, and of course more information on how to prevent it.
If anybody has any information that might help … ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi @dexmagic,
Can you please supply a build URL and enable the support user?
Also: can you point to the two builds, where one is successful and the other is failing?