Weekly Virtual Machine / Stack updates - 2018.06.30


Bitrise CLI v1.18.1 available on all stacks

Android/Linux stacks

  • Docker image updated to be based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic)
  • Docker CE upgrade to 18.03.1-ce

Xcode stacks

  • No significant change

Visual Studio for Mac stacks

  • Beta and Stable: Xcode upgrade to 9.4.1

Hybrid stacks

  • No significant change

This week’s changes (diffs)

Stack System Reports

You can find the full system report of all of the available Stacks on GitHub: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise.io/tree/master/system_reports.

If you’d like to add additional tools to be pre-installed you can find the instructions on GitHub, for both the Linux and for the macOS stacks.

Information about Stack types & update schedules can be found here: discuss.bitrise.io/t/281.

All stacks passed our tests and scheduled to be deployed on Saturday.

Happy Building!

We ended up reverting to Ubuntu 16.04 for the host for now. Docker image is built on top of Ubuntu 18.04 but it’s running on a 16.04 host.

New stacks deployed and are available in production :tada:

Hi Viktor.
Will there be no other hybrid stack with Node 8.x available?

@ippMobile I’ll check it with the team.

Tks @viktorbenei.
For now I am removing and installing the other version.

works fine.

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies node
brew install node@8
brew link --overwrite --force node@8

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Thanks for sharing @ippMobile! :slight_smile: