Weekly Virtual Machine / Stack updates - 2017.10.14


Bitrise CLI 1.10.0 preinstalled on all stacks:

Android/Linux stacks

  • No significant changes.

Xcode stacks

  • No significant changes.

VS for Mac stacks

Hybrid stacks

  • No significant changes.

This weekā€™s changes (diffs)

Stack System Reports

You can find the full system report of all of the available Stacks on GitHub: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise.io/tree/master/system_reports.

If youā€™d like to add additional tools to be pre-installed you can find the instructions on GitHub, for both the Linux and for the macOS stacks.

Information about Stack types & update schedules can be found here: discuss.bitrise.io/t/281.

Happy Building!

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All stacks passed our tests and ready for deploy on Saturday :rocket:

New stacks deployed and are available in production :tada:

Hi guys,
After the weekend stack updates all of my builds are failing. Doing some research into this it seems to be a known issue with Mono 5.4.

The issue is that some unit tests are failing with an assertion failure and reflection exception.

NUnit Console Runner 3.4.1
Copyright Ā© 2016 Charlie Poole

Runtime Environment
OS Version: MacOSX
CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000

Test Files

  • Assertion at dynamic-image.c:209, condition `prev == MONO_HANDLE_RAW (obj)ā€™ not met


at <0xffffffff>
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.getToken (System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder,object,bool) [0x0000b] in :0
at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetToken (System.Reflection.MemberInfo,bool) [0x00061] in :0

All our unit tests ran fine under the previous version of Vs for Mac and Mono 5.2.
Weā€™re using MOQ for mocking in our unit tests and this issue was reported in their repo a few weeks ago: https://github.com/moq/moq4/issues/449
But, theyā€™re referring to it as a mono bug.

The issue has also been reported on the Xamarin bugzilla:
Its for IronPython but the bug is the same.

It appears to be fixed in Mono master https://github.com/mono/mono/commit/0f76c2acec24cd45b71d6e21c450b51ecdfe96f0

But the root cause is the version that Vs for Mac is pulling in.

I recommend rolling back the Vs for mac patch until Microsoft pull in a later version of Mono.

Can I also suggest that you include a unit test in your test suite that uses Moq to test for this issue?

var obj = new Mock<Object>().Object;
var stream = new Mock<Stream>().Object;

Thanks guys.

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In the interim the only workaround I have is to downgrade to the Hybrid stack. This will have to be a very temporary measure as Iā€™m preparing an iPhone X release.

@benrnz-sv did you try it on the Visual Studio for Mac Beta channel stack? It seems the beta channel has fixes for most things.

Weā€™d be glad to do that if you can send us a sample repository we can test with :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t, as weā€™re days away from preparing a release. Our corporate policy is to not release production code built on beta components. So using a beta release of Vs4Mac is out of the question.

Out of interest Iā€™ve tried the beta stack and it works fine. The difference between the stable and beta Mono version is
Stable (this fails to run unit tests):

  • Mono version:
    Mono JIT compiler version (2017-06/71277e78f6e Thu Sep 21 19:22:55 EDT 2017)

Beta (this runs unit tests fine):

  • Mono version:
    Mono JIT compiler version (2017-06/fbc487ff424 Fri Oct 6 06:41:39 EDT 2017)
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Just published a Script here Install specific Mono version - with that you can install any available Mono version. @benrnz-sv itā€™d be awesome if you could confirm that it works for you too :slight_smile:

Thanks so much @viktorbenei!
That works great. Iceberg averted :slight_smile:

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Glad to hear, thanks for confirming @benrnz-sv! Iā€™ll create a #how-to for it with some customization notes once I have some time :slight_smile:

Happy Building! :wink: