Votes not released when feature is ready

Not sure if it is an issue, lack of the feature or intended behavior.

Currently, users can cast up to 15 votes and voices for already shipped features are still locked despite that there are effectively useless. Users have to go to their votes list and remove such voices manually if they want to vote for something else in case of exceeded limit.

Which ones were closed where you voted? Can you include some links?

I believe the votes should free up once the thread is closed.

Here is one marked as solved but not closed: Rolling builds / De-duplicate builds for pull requests when pull request is updated

As shipped I meant solved, not necessarily closed threads.

I had to manually free up some votes today for features that are already implemented.

@koral just added a timer to auto close Rolling builds / De-duplicate builds for pull requests when pull request is updated - mainly because we’re still discussing there an additional option, and did not want to close it for now to be able to collect feedback.

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