The app has crashed Signal 11 was raised

Many Thanks!

The solution for Signal 11 was develop mocks of Firebase Services that we use, and disable firebase services in firebase.json like this

    "react-native": {
      "perf_auto_collection_enabled": false,
      "in_app_messaging_auto_collection_enabled": false,
      "crashlytics_auto_collection_enabled": false,
      "messaging_ios_auto_register_for_remote_messages": false,
      "messaging_ios_foreground_presentation_options": ["badge", "sound", "list", "banner"],
      "analytics_auto_collection_enabled": false,
      "messaging_auto_init_enabled": false,
      "messaging_android_headless_task_timeout": 30000,
      "messaging_android_notification_channel_id": "high-priority",
      "messaging_android_notification_color": "@color/hotpink"

Now, using the remote access capability, i found that i have errors with the Software Keyboard of iOS, like this thread

Can you help us?


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