Support for uploading APK's as drafts in Google Play

Description of the feature request

Currently the Google Play Deploy step is using v2 of the Publishing API. It would be super helpful if you could upgrade to v3 and add support for uploading APK’s as drafts.

Use case / for what or how I would use it

We have some manual steps that we need to do to release the app. Therefore if we would use the step as of now we would release the app immediately and then our app would not function. That is why we need a way to upload as drafts so we can do some other tiny preparations and then release the app manually.

Thank you! :smiley:

Hey @j.kaan, thanks for the #feature-request!

Make sure to vote for it so it’s more in our attention :wink:

Hi @bitce!

Now that the deploy step using v3 API is released, would you have any update on this?


Hi @mederic_snal!

Unfortunately, there is no noteworthy progress or direct relation to the mentioned update, will make sure to let you know! :slight_smile: