Hello! I have added the slack message on build succeed to my workflow, last week it worked perfectly, I was getting a message with an “install page” button that took me to a public page with a download .ipa link, so all my colleagues with registered test devices could download the app for testing.
However, the last 5 build I have only seen an .apk on the install page, not the iOS build. When i login to my dashboard → latest build → app & artifacts, I do see a generated ipa, and when i click the eye icon and expand, I do see that “public install page” is toggled ON
Hello there, it is because the deploy to bitrise.io only creates a public install page for the first artifact it finds, there is a workaround for this tho,
add a script step with the command envman add --key APK_URL --value $BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL
and then add a second deploy to bitrise.io step in which you specify the .ipa file as the deploy directory or file path that will create the second URL. in the slack step add another button like this: