I am trying to install a custom NDK version.
I followed the steps from this post
but I got a permission error:
+ mkdir /opt/android-ndk-tmp
mkdir: /opt/android-ndk-tmp: Permission denied
exit status 1
For context, I am trying to download NDK r21d version.
I am using the script after Flutter install and before cloning the repo.
I have also added the bitrise.yml update as mentioned.
Turns out I needed another sudo on the next step.
After fixing it I got NDK is not installed
Trying another method: sdkmanager "ndk;21.3.6528147"
But this still gave me another NDK error. :unityLibrary:BuildIl2CppTask
The flow is as follows:
Script → Repo clone → Caching → Flutter build.
For reference, I am using an embedded Unity project in Flutter. So, the NDK used to build should be the same as the NDK the Unity project got exported with. Which is 21.3.6528147.