Protected secrets are printed in logs when used as arguments to xcodebuild

Perfect timing with the question @BlueDrink9! :smiley:

The latest CLI, which was just released, includes this feature: Monthly release of Bitrise CLI tools and summary of updates (April, 2018) - CLI v1.15.0

This CLI version will be available on this weekend as usual (following weekend after the CLI release). Feel free to set the related secret as described in the announcement and it’ll enable filtering right away once v1.15.0 is deployed on

Keep in mind this is an experimental feature which will not be enabled this month, at least not right away after the deploy (disabled by default in the CLI). We plan to enable it before the next CLI release for everyone by default, but if there’s any issue we might only enable it at the next CLI release for everyone. You can of course enable it for yourself, the way mentioned in the announcement, and this feature is expected to be enabled by default in the next CLI release :slight_smile:

If you’d have any questions just let us know! :wink: