Environment variables from secrets not overwritten by those from trigger API

Description of the issue

According to the environment variable processing order and Specify Environment Variables, if an environment variable with the same name is defined in both Secrets and passed via Build Trigger API, the latter should be used. However it seems that secret is used anyway in such case.


Where did the issue happen?

On Bitrise.io, app: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation

Which build Step causes the issue and which version of the step?


  • Does a “Rebuild” help? (You can trigger a rebuild from the Build’s page, by clicking the “Rebuild” button in the top right corner of a finished build) : NO
  • Does a rebuild without caches help? (You can remove the Cache:Pull and Cache:Push steps temporarily to not to use the cache, or you can delete all the caches on the Settings tab of the app. : NO
  • If you have multiple different build configurations (workflows), does the issue affect all/more than one? : N/A only one workflow is involved
  • If it’s an issue which happens sporadically, what’s the frequency? (e.g. Once a day ; about x% of the builds) : 100%
  • Does upgrading the build Step to the latest version help? : NO
  • When did the issue start? : observed 09.08.2017, AFAIK it worked about 1-2 weeks ago.

Build log

When that build was executed variable QA_APP_INDEX should be “1” but was “0”.

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Can you add a Script step as the first step to the build and simply print the value of $QA_APP_INDEX? Checked the build’s log but not sure if I understand where QA_APP_INDEX is used an how.

Just drop in a Script step with:

set -ex


App with minimal reproducible sample: Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation

Found the issue in the web code, scheduled a fix, thanks for the infos @koral! :slight_smile:

Hi @koral

Thanks for reporting. The issue is fixed and released and sorry for the inconveniences.
If you still have problems with it, just let us know.

Happy Building! :beers:

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