Following the previously announced deprecation procedure for these deprecated stacks the following stacks are only accessible from today if you request it here or via our support chat / email support:
- Xcode 6.4
- Xcode 8.0
- Xcode 8.1
- Xamarin Studio with Xcode 7.3.1 (old Xamarin LTS stack)
Every project which used one of these stacks were auto migrated last week (Old deprecated Xcode (6.4, 8.0, 8.1) and Xamarin Studio LTS stack migrations) to a non deprecated stack, and as we did not receive any support ticket related to the migration, nor did any project switch back to these old deprecated stacks, we decided to go ahead and make these stacks “private”.
This means that for a limited time, if you request it from us, we can re-enable these stacks for you. If we do not receive any requests until next week then we’ll go ahead and remove them permanently.
As usual, feel free to contact us either here (just comment below) or via our support channels and we’re more than happy to keep a stack around if needed, or to help you with a migration to a newer stack!
Happy Building!