Monthly release of Bitrise CLI tools and summary of updates (Jan 2019)

We ship a new bitrise cli version on the second Tuesday of every month. The new release will be available on the bitrise.iovirtual machines on the weekend after the CLI release, unless we discover any serious bug/regression.

Read on to learn more about this month’s Bitrise CLI release and about the changes around Bitrise tools and steps.

New version of Bitrise CLI (1.26.0)

1. PWD environment variable

From this release, bitrise cli will make sure the PWD env is set before a step run. The PWD env follows the BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR env, which is the recommended env var for referring the current working directory in steps.

2. Tools update

  • envman version bumped to 2.1.3
  • stepman version bumped to 0.11.0

2. Default plugins update

  • workflow-editor plugin version bumped to 1.1.44

3. Go dependencies update

New version of Stepman (0.11.0)

  • stepman share command will validate if a step version follows Semantic Versioning, the version should not be prefixed with v and should not include pre-release and build metadata extensions.
  • Go dependencies update

New version of Envman (2.1.3)

  • Go dependencies update

Step updates

  • carthage 3.1.7:
    • fix the Github access token - Bad credentials issue
    • introduced security enhancements
  • cordova-archive 2.0.0:
    • the option to run cordova platform add <platform> was removed. These commands are not suited to be run on a CI environment, and should be ran during development. Instead, cordova prepare <platform> is called, which restores cordova platforms and plugins.
    • adding a default options flag for cordova to use the legacy XCode build system, as cordova does not yet officially support the new one. ([ANNOUNCEMENT] Status of Xcode 10 support · Issue #407 · apache/cordova-ios · GitHub)
    • if yarn.lock is present in the working directly, yarn is used to install cordova and ionic packages (if related parameters are present). This can conflict with platform add command tough. ([CB-12242] Use yarn js instead of npm when adding plugins - ASF JIRA).
    • Migration guide

    • if platform rm or add is needed to be run during the build, add a script step before the corodva-archive step for this functionality.
    • moving from v1 to v2:
      1. If using cordova-prepare step, update it to version 1.
      1. Make sure to remove the input parameters add_platform, readd_platform.
  • cordova-prepare 1.0.0:
    • the option to run cordova platform add <platform> was removed. These commands are not suited to be run on a CI environment, and should be ran during development. Instead, cordova prepare <platform> is called, which restores cordova platforms and plugins.
    • Migration guide

    • if platform rm or add is needed to be run during the build, add a script step before the cordova-prepare step for this functionality.
    • moving from v0 to v1:
      1. If using cordova-archive step, update it to version 2.
      1. Make sure to remove the input parameter readd_platform.
  • deploy-to-bitrise-io 1.3.19:
    • fixed an issue of Android APK package info display
  • flutter-build 0.9.1:
    • initial version of Flutter Build step. The step will run the build commands for the platforms and will export their outputs as well
    • added project location input
  • flutter-installer 0.9.2:
    • changed the step title to match our step development guidelines
    • added flutter to project_type_tags to match with the new flutter project integration
  • flutter-test 0.9.1:
    • added project location input
    • initial version of Flutter Test step. The step will run flutter test command and return with the test status
  • git-clone 4.0.14:
    • remove Bash toolkit leftovers
  • gradle-runner 1.8.4:
    • remove Bash toolkit leftovers
  • install-missing-android-tools 2.3.4:
    • stacktrace logging mode is enabled in case of a dependency install error, so the issue can be determined more easily
  • ionic-archive 2.0.0:
    • the option to run ionic cordova platform [rm | add] <platform> was removed. These commands are not suited to be run on a CI environment, and should be ran during development. Instead, ionic cordova prepare --no-build is called, which restores cordova platforms and plugins.
    • added a default options flag for ionic to use the legacy XCode build system, as cordova does not yet officially support the new one. (How to build Ionic Cordova with Xcode 10? - ionic-v3 - Ionic Forum)
    • if yarn.lock is present in the working directly, yarn is used to install cordova and ionic packages (if related parameters are present). This can conflict with platform add command tough ([CB-12242] Use yarn js instead of npm when adding plugins - ASF JIRA).
    • Migration guide

    • moving from v1 to v2
    • if platform rm or add is needed to be run during the build, add a script step before the ionic-archive step for this functionality.
      1. If using ionic-prepare step, update that to version 1..
      1. Make sure to remove the input parameters readd_platform, cordova_ios_version, cordova_android_version. If the ionic-prepare step is used, add a new input parameter run_ionic_prepare and set it to false (run_ionic_prepare: “false”).
  • ionic-prepare 1.0.0:
    • the option to run ionic cordova platform [rm | add] <platform> was removed. These commands are not suited to be run on a CI environment, and should be ran during development. Instead, ionic cordova prepare --no-build is called, which restores cordova platforms and plugins.
    • added option to set ionic username and password.
    • Migration guide

    • moving from v0 to v1
    • if platform rm or add is needed to be run during the build, add a script step before the ionic-prepare step for this functionality.
      1. If using ionic-archive step, update it to version 2
      1. Make sure to remove the input parameters readd_platform, cordova_ios_version, cordova_android_version.
  • ios-auto-provision 1.2.3:
    • fastlane version update to prevent: Can’t find class ‘adhoc’ issue.
    • fixed differentiating of App Store and Ad Hoc profiles
  • project-scanner 1.7.1:
    • the dependencies updated to the latest version
  • slack 3.1.2:
    • remove Bash toolkit leftovers
    • fixed confusing display of example for “Target Slack channel, group or username” input
  • virtual-device-testing-for-ios 0.9.5:
    • fixed a minor issue causing test summary table columns to be shuffled
  • xcode-archive 2.4.18:
    • tvOS profile distribution type issue fix
  • xcode-build-for-simulator 0.9.4:
    • fix the bug which caused the Artifact export to fail if the project uses custom TARGET_BUIL_DIR
    • fix the bug which caused failing build artifact export for React Native projects
    • remove unnecessary space before tvOS in the struct definition
  • xcode-build-for-test 0.2.2:
    • fix the “Failed to parse build settings, error: unknown build settings” error which happened if the xcodebuild -showBuildSettings output contained a line without a = (no key-value pair)

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