Is there a way to make a public links out of build report outputs?

Hi there!

We are building our Android apps with Bitrise at the moment.

We are using 2 analysis tools: detekt for static code analysis and Android Lint for Android specific analysis.

Detekt runs with every gradle build for us, so we’ve found that it is enough to put the AndroidLint step into the workflow and both analysis tools run.

The outputs are two HTML files:
Successfully generated HTML report at /bitrise/src/app/build/reports/detekt/detekt.html
Wrote HTML report to file:///bitrise/src/app/build/reports/lint-results-stagingDebug.html

However, there is seemingly no way for me to extract these files and make them publicly available (temporarily).

I’ve managed to use the AndroidLint step in conjunction with the Deploy To step and that automatically results in the AndroidLint log being uploaded to the public page.

However, is there a way for me to extract these two files during build and make them publicly available for the time being?

Want I’d want as my end result is to have a Slack message similar to our current one:


With the addition of 2 extra buttons that would be direct links to these HTML files.
I’m not sure that I’d even be able to upload these directly to Bitrise’s servers but if you all have any ideas on how could I approach this issue, I’d gladly take it!

Thanks a bunch!

Hi @rolandsarosy!

That’s a great question, but unfortunately, Bitrise will only create public pages for your deployed .ipa and .apk type files. We don’t have anything built out of the box that would allow you this, I personally would use the Dropbox step or something similar to upload the results from the build machine :slight_smile:

Dropbox is such a great idea!


However, could you help me out just a bit more?

How can I get these these output files?

Since I only have their relative URLs:

I don’t think there is a step for this and I’m kinda lost on how to work with these…

Oh, I think I found it.

Would it work if I just put these relative URLs into the " Local File" field of the Dropbox step?

That’s the one! Yes, the relative paths should suffice here :slight_smile:

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