Input issue with new step


Currently, I’m trying to do my custom Bitrise step but I have an issue with the inputs. When I try to use my input, it doesn’t take the value of the environment variable is given as input, but it takes it as a string

in my step.yml I have my input

    - my_input:
          title: "My input"
          is_expand: false
          is_required: false

when I try to use my step in my project’s yml

- git::
    title: "My step"
    - my_input: "$MY_ENV_VALUE"

so when I try to use or print the content of my_input in my step’s, It equals to $MY_ENV_VALUE and not the content the environment variable

echo "my_input value: $my_input"

the result:

my_input value: $MY_ENV_VALUE

Does someone have any idea why I have this behavior?


I found the root cause
is_expand key should set to true on step.yml for that

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