Facing error when trying to run Flutter integration test with --flavor on server, but works locally

I have a Flutter project that includes Flavors (Create flavors of a Flutter app | Flutter). We are able to run integration tests using " flutter test integration_test --flavor " locally with successful results, however whenever we run this command on our Bitrise server, we are getting the following error:

00:02 +0: loading /Users/vagrant/git/integration_test/login_test.dart                                                                                                                                  
The Xcode project defines schemes: Flutter Assemble, Runner

00:02 +0 -1: loading /Users/vagrant/git/integration_test/login_test.dart [E]                                                                                                                           
  Error: You must specify a --flavor option to select one of the available schemes.
  package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart 10:3                    throwToolExit
  package:flutter_tools/src/ios/xcodeproj.dart 521:7                 XcodeProjectInfo.reportFlavorNotFoundAndExit
  package:flutter_tools/src/macos/build_macos.dart 123:18            buildMacOS
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  package:flutter_tools/src/macos/macos_device.dart 71:5             MacOSDevice.buildForDevice
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  package:flutter_tools/src/desktop_device.dart 119:7                DesktopDevice.startApp
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  package:flutter_tools/src/test/integration_test_device.dart 55:39  IntegrationTestTestDevice.start

However it’s strange because our project does not include a scheme named “Flutter Assemble”, the current schemes we have are Runner and “free” which is the development flavor we created following the documentation. This was ran on a brand new flutter project, where the only thing we modified was adding in flavors following Flutter’s documentation. It’s

Link to the repo: GitHub - AnthonyDadeWT/flutter_flavor_test_repo: Testing flavors and testing app on CI

So this ended up being a goofy mistake by me.

Before we implemented Flavors into our project, I ran integration tests on the project and they succeeded. However, what I did not notice is that it was building our project to a MacOS device, to be honest I saw the green checkmark and did not read the logs, so I thought all was good.

Now that we’ve implemented Flavors, and our project is not configured to run on MacOS, I realized that all I need to do is boot up a simulator/emulator, and then it runs our tests on that device.
