Expo Eject fails with error "Input validation failed: user name is specified but password is not provided"

I have set “Password for your Expo account” from Secrets, but build failed and said error that “Input validation failed: user name is specified but password is not provided”.

- Workdir: /Users/vagrant/git
- ExpoCLIVersion: latest
- UserName: ******
- Password: 
- RunPublish: no
- OverrideReactNativeVersion: 
Input validation failed: user name is specified but password is not provided
|                                                                              |
| x | expo-detach@1.0 (exit code: 1)                                | 7.32 sec |
| Issue tracker: https://github.com/bitrise-steplib/steps-expo-detach/issues   |
| Source: https://github.com/bitrise-steplib/steps-expo-detach                 |

How to set password?

My Environment:
version: 1.0.x and 1.x.x, both cause error.

Hi @hiroga! :wave: I am sorry you ran into this issue. Could you please share a build link with us with Support Access enabled? This way we can take a deeper look and compare it to previous builds. If you’d rather share your build in a private message, please email us at support@bitrise.io and this will automatically create a support ticket. :blush: Thank you!

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