Customize Git commit statuses for clarity

We’re excited to announce a smart new feature that allows for greater flexibility in configuring Git commit statuses.

New YAML field: status_report_name

You can tailor the commit status message to your team’s preferences and requirements. You can give your report a name that allows you to immediately identify it on the Git provider site. With the new status_report_name field, you can now configure your Git commit status to include static and dynamic components.

Static values:
Craft clear, consistent messages for your commit statuses to communicate effectively.

  status_report_name: 'Bitrise build'
  status_report_name: 'Build my awesome app'
  status_report_name: 'ci/bitrise/my-awesome-app/pr'

Feel free to craft any name that clearly communicates the purpose of your pull request or commit or build status.

Dynamic values:
Infuse your statuses with context using dynamic variables. Variables include project_slug, project_title, target_id, and event_type.

  status_report_name: 'PR check for <project_title>'

Output: PR check for My Awesome App

  status_report_name: 'Workflow: <target_id> | Event: <event_type>'

Workflow-level customization

  • Fine-tune your status checks at the workflow or pipeline level for ultimate precision.

    status_report_name: 'iOS screenshot tests'
    status_report_name: 'Deployment pipeline for staging'

This feature empowers your team to make informed decisions with crystal-clear, customized commit status reports, driving both efficiency and transparency throughout your development process.

Get started using this guide.

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