Can't import in go script

Trying to run a go script to do some string manipulation on some environment variable but I can’t seem to import stepconf for making the environment variable accessible in the script. I get the error below;

cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/bitrise/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

Step taken: Added:

          go get -u:
          - name:

Hello, the correct path is

that is bitrise-io instead of bitirise-tools.

Would recommend using dep or go modules for dependency management, so they are vendored and not dependent on the $GOPATH env.

Hi @laszlo.pusok. I did this but it still didn’t work. Posting screenshots so you can point out what I’m doing wrong. I’ve also tried apt-get and brew but nothing seems to work

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