I set up my workflows so that pretty much all changes to them are done through ENV variables. That way, I can glance through the ENV vars list and understand what I’ve changed from the step defaults. This made managing similar workflows a lot easier for me, as I didn’t have to click into each step of each workflow to ensure I didn’t forget to change something in one of the workflows. The ENV vars screen gives a sort of meta view that I can use to sanity check that everything is set properly, and further remind me of a project’s context.
However, it appears that there’s been an update that forces dropdown properties specifically to no longer accept ENV variables. For instance, Git Clone
step’s Fetch Tags
, or Xcode Archive & Export for iOS
step’s Distribution method
. As a consequence, nearly every workflow I have is now broken.
So my question is, is this intended? Will being able to set it to variables come soon so I can just wait, or must I fix every workflow step now?
I understand that ensuring dropdown properties can only be the values provided can reduce user error due to a misspelling. However, it has made my experience on bitrise actively worse and I have to manually go through all the steps of all my workflows to fix it one by one. I’ve found other changes to be a minor inconvenience, like how clicking on Workflows opens up a list instead of just going into a workflow, or how I have to go to App Settings now to get to Files. But this case has actually caused issues.