Build error with two iOS apps in same repository but different branches and provisioning profiles


Our project consists of a Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS app, but right now we are having some issues with the provisioning profile in iOS.

In our scenario we had to add another app in the same repository but in a different branch with different bundle id. We have something like this:

MainApp(Bitrise App) - BranchApp1 ->

MainApp(Bitrise App) - BranchApp2 ->

We have added a different workflow for App2. The issue is that we aren’t able to build successfully App2 (the recently added app) and we have made some testing and trying some methods in order to get it. (App1 is built without problems).

Reading some answers here in the forum, we added the different provisioning profiles and its corresponding p12 certificates for code signing, so in code signing page of the repository we have provisioning profiles and certificates valids for both App1 and App2 but this didn’t work and we were getting a “Could not find any available provisioning profile for iOS” error.

So, a different approach was to add provisioning profile and certificate as generic files in Code Signing page (only for App2) and get the URLs and use this URLs directly in Certificate and profile installer step. We also add the pass phrase as a secret var in bitrise but now we are getting the “No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain” error.

So, someone has set up this scenario with two apps in two different branches each with its own bundle id or could give me some idea of how to get it?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @cbiosdev!

Thanks for the detailed description, as mentioned on our on-site chat please include build URLS about these cases so we can take a proper look!

Hi @bitce!

Thanks for your reply. Here’s the URL:

@cbiosdev Is this certainly the right URL? I don’t see any of the issues you’ve mentioned here

Hi @bitce .

Yes, it is. When I expand the log (it says is overweight) I can see this error almos at the end:

error : No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain.

Please let me know if is this ok or if i’m missing something.

Thank you.

No you’re absolutely right, sorry, thanks for pointing it out! :slight_smile:

We’ve got the same problem: there are two Xamarin.iOS apps in our repository: one is supposed to be built as an Enterprise app, and the other as an Ad-Hoc app. So, we have two different codesigning identities, and two different provisioning profiles, everything is uploaded in the Code Signing section of the Workflow editor. Unfortunately, we get “No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain” when Bitrise starts build the Ad-Hoc app.

Link to the build: (private).

Is there any update on this?

Hey lasanna!

I can’t open the build url you sent us, could you send me another one maybe?

We re-worked our repository (enterprise app project is not being built when building ad-hoc app and vise versa) and now we don’t have this issue. Thank you.

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