Break up Save/Restore SPM dependencies into modules

I am wondering if there is a best practice to break up our project’s spm dependencies into more modular groups for caching?

Right now we are using caching for 66 checked out SPM dependencies in Xcode (6.5GB) as part of our pull request workflows. The problem that we keep coming across is that we usually have a few “flexible” dependencies that can change more frequently than the majority, so the single SPM checksum key is constantly changing as part of the Package.resolved file, thereby getting a missed “Restore” step and causing the “Save” step to add overhead as it keeps caching a new value thats likely to get limited/no reuse.

An ideal solution would allow us to breakup the Package.resolved into “stable” and “flexible” modules which would allow the caching to properly function for the stable majority of our dependencies. I assume there is an SPM limitation in the way Xcode configures the dependencies and I would need to define duplicative Package.swift files to mimic some of this work, but at the loss of these two configurations diverging?
