Bitrise git-clone step is checking out the wrong branch

This is a simplified workflow to demonstrate how the git-clone step is checking out the wrong branch - this workflow completes “successfully” but the fact that it checks out the wrong branch of course causes problems when actually running tests or making builds. This is an example of a run where I specified branch “master” but the git-log step checked out “develop”

Even if I specify a commit hash, it still checks out the “develop” branch, and then ends up in a detached head state if the commit hash is not part of the develop branch
This happens both when I run this manually and if I trigger it remotely with a cURL, e.g.: the above example was triggered by this cURL:
curl --data ‘{“hook_info”:{“type”:“bitrise”,“build_trigger_token”:""},“build_params”:{“branch”:“master”,“workflow_id”:“check_branch_setting”},“triggered_by”:“curl”}’

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