Bad readability because of low contrast

This is the first time I ever really have to say that I have trouble reading comfortably the content of a website. This low contrast of grey in grey in grey combined with very fine font style makes it hard to read.

I took the time to get some colors of your side:

All greyscale offering low contrast.
“Typical” sample:
Beside the fact that I am a huge fan of dark themes, this is really hard to read for me.

Beside that I really like the basic UX of your website!

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Hi, thanks for the feedback, we will discuss a possible coloring change with the frontend team :slight_smile:

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Hi, it would be really nice to have a more contrasted UI, readability on the panel is sometimes quite complex, and it can create some visual fatigue.

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Thanks for the feedback @tryadelion!

Can you please highlight a couple of pages/examples? Screenshots are also welcome! Just so that we understand exactly which parts you’re referring to :slight_smile: