Android & Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 Now with ASDF! (v1.13)

Android & Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 update! :tada:

:warning: Reminder: Ruby 2.x versions will soon be removed from the stacks. Review your workflows and upgrade to the latest Ruby version.

Notable changes:

  • Enabled asdf usage inside the build container
  • Python3 set to use system (3.8). , but 3.11.3 is available under asdf
  • Ruby set to use system (2.7.6), but 3.2.1 is available under asdf

asdf is a software version manager that allows us to install and make available different versions of software. Discover more here:

You can use the versions available under asdf in two ways:

  1. Run a script step that set the version to use.
# script step
asdf global ruby 3.2.1
  1. Supply a .tools-versions file in your code repository checkout that contains the software and version you wish to use from asdf
# .tools-versions file
ruby 3.2.1

In addition to this, you can use a script step to easily install any other version you might desire. This includes software beyond Python and Ruby. (for example):

# script step
asdf plugin add java
asdf install java adopt-openjdk-12.0.2+10.2
# Select an installed candidate for use like this:
asdf global java adopt-openjdk-12.0.2+10.2

Note the software versions installed with asdf are not fixed and subject to change .

To select these Stacks you just have to open your app on,
go to the Workflow tab (Workflow Editor), and on the Stack tab select the Android & Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 or Android & Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 option and your next build will start on the corresponding stack.

*Note: you can now select separate stacks for separate workflows!

Read more at:

You can find the system reports here:

If you’d like to add additional tools to be pre-installed you can find the instructions on GitHub, for both the Linux and for the macOS stacks.

Information about Stack types & update schedules can be found here:

Happy Building! :rocket:

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