Issue seems to be related to the Android NDK version upgrade which we rolled out this weekend (from r16b to r17):
Related system report changelog : Weekly VM updates by ghaabor · Pull Request #212 · bitrise-io/ · GitHub
Quick question - did you upgrade the Android NDK on your own Mac/PC to r17
If you’re not using r17 yet or if you want to use a specific NDK version the best is to just install it via a Script step:
If the NDK version which is preinstalled on the Android stack is not the one you want to use, you can install any version via a Script step.
Simply add a Script step as the very first step in the workflow, with the following content:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
# set env vars
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME='/opt/android-ndk'
# expose for subsequent steps
envman add --key ANDROID_NDK_HOME --value "$ANDROID_NDK_HOME"
# -----------------------------------------------…