Access the screenshots from Snapshot

I have added the option to export the build using export_uitest_artifacts with no luck.

Once I added it to the top level using


  • export_uitest_artifacts: ‘true’

and another time using this in the workflow step of the tests.

What is the correct way to get the screenshots to dump? Is it possible to generate a url link to the screenshots as snapshot displays the results as an html page so its easy to spot issues.

Hi @jarryd,

“from Snapshot” - do you mean the fastlane snapshot tool? Or the Xcode built in?

For the Xcode built in UI Test screenshots simply open the workflow editor, select the Xcode Test step and set Export UITest Artifacts input to true (it’s in the Testing input group).

For fastlane snapshot: Screenshot.html from Fastlane Snapshot

For that please vote on this feature request iOS Screenshots delivered by 'Deploy to BitRise' step

If you have any questions just let us know! :slight_smile:

Thanks for this.

How is the url determined?

I added this -

  • deploy-to-bitrise-io@1.3.5:
    • deploy_path: “/screenshots/screenshots.html”

while other files are being deployed from e.g.


Its not being copied. Should I do something like this


these snapshot builds take forever, so Id rather ask before trying again :smiley:

You can check where the screenshots.html is generated on your Mac, and specify the relative path on - relative to the root of the repository (not to the fastlane config or xcode project, but to the repository’s root).

Please don’t use absolute paths, we don’t guarantee that those paths won’t change. Either use a relative path (to the repo root) or use the $BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR env var which points to the root of the repo (or if you need the deploy dir - but I don’t think you do - $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR).

Great, I got this working by adding a second deploy to bitrise step and used the

   - deploy-to-bitrise-io:
        - deploy_path: /deploy/this/directory/recursively
        - is_compress: 'true'

options inside the workflow.


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Glad to hear, and thanks for reporting & for the example :wink:

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