Workflow Editor V2 Contrast

The new workflow editor is pretty slick, congrats on the release! It’s pretty great to use except for one thing: the low contrast text is incredibly hard to read. I have perfect eyesight and I have to squint to make out the text. Any chance of increasing the contrast a bit?

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Hi @jeffremer,

Thanks for reporting this here!

I moved the thread into the #feature-request category, as I believe it’s a better fit overall than #issues, as well as added this to our internal issue tracker, scheduled for a team discussion ASAP.

Ohh, and I absolutely agree with you, 100%, it definitely could be better regarding contrast of the design.

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It has been updated in version 1.0.4. It will also be updated on the website shortly - you will be able to see the version number in the footer.

It is also updated now on the website. Please check if the adjustment is enough or not

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Thanks for the quick turnaround guys, I’m continually impressed with how phenomenally responsive your team is. Nice work :thumbsup:

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Thank you, we try to do our best :wink:

I’ll mark this feature request with an auto close, but feel free to leave a comment and we’ll keep it open for further investigation.

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