Step Fastlane uses an unwanted version

2.68.1 is used because that’s the system preinstalled version on the Xcode 9.2 stack. It was upgraded when the Xcode 9.2 final stack was created (the betas had a lower one).

From the log:

e[34;1mUsing system installed Fastlanee[0m

e[34;1mFastlane version:e[0m
e[32;1m$ fastlane "--version"e[0m
fastlane installation at path:
fastlane 2.68.1

So the step is correct, it does not upgrade the fastlane version, 2.68.1 is the preinstalled on the Xcode 9.2 stack. Related changelog: Xcode 9.2 final is now available!

To use a specific fastlane version please see: How to use a specific version of fastlane?

If you’d have any questions just let us know! :slight_smile: