Thanks for asking this question here!
So, this is definitely possible to some extent, as you can attach any file to your build. E.g. if you use a tool which can generate an HTML (unit) test report, that can be attached to the build and you’ll be able to see it right on the build’s page, in the Apps and Artifacts section.
In case of iOS, this should actually be in the default configuration bitrise.io generates for your iOS app/repo, the HTML report is generated by xcpretty and configured so that it’s auto deployed by the Deploy to Bitrise.io step.
For any other tool/case you just have to configure either the tool to generate the report into the $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR
, or set the path of the report in the Deploy to Bitrise.io step - more info on our DevCenter.
There’s only one limitation: if your report is split into multiple HTML files & resources (css, js, etc.) then you have to use the “compress” (zip) option of the Deploy to Bitrise.io step right now and you’ll have to download the report, you can’t inspect it directly on the build’s bitrise.io page. We do plan to change this in the future - please vote on the related #feature-requests if you’re interested: Artifacts: Make it possible to view HTML files with relative links (CSS etc. refs)
We also have plans to add additional code coverage and reporting features, but we can’t share more about these right now - we will of course announce those once we’re happy with how it works.