Bitbucket selective builds

Description of the feature request

Add support for selective builds for Bitbucket.

Use case / for what or how I would use it

As a previous closed feature request 6612(can’t comment/re open)
I’m working with monorepo and need to start builds only when the shared or mobile part of my repo has been modified. Right now, I am evaluating through git diff inside a script but it is not efficient since the actual build has been launched and git repository cloned. This wastes resources just to find out that the shared/mobile part of my app has no changes. Which leads to an undefined number of false positive builds failing or doing nothing at all.

Hi @jmunoz :wave:

Can you please link to the mentioned previously closed feature request?

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Hi @viktorbenei, sorry I did not added the link before. I updated the request description.

Thanks @jmunoz - I updated the old, closed one to point to this new one :slight_smile:

Any ideas on how to workaround this while the feature is not added?

It’s a bit sad to see only GitHub is supported :frowning_face: Bitbucket is used by 60 of the Fortune 100 companies, so it would be a good move to support it as well.
Does anyone have an alternative solution? I upvoted this in any case. Would love to see support for it…


It’s sad to see so little upvotes for this topic, Bitbucket is really popular in enterprise space.

Any chance this issue get’s resolved?