2FA fails while connecting to Apple Developer portal


Couple of days ago I wanted to re-authenticate my apple developer portal connectivity credentials in Bitrise. I did it before several days and it worked just fine. I typed in apple’s login+password. Followed by 2FA code sent to my phone.

2FA validator fails. I am not sure how to troubleshoot further on.

Please advise

I received the mail from the Support. Those instructions helped me to resolve the issue >>>

When connecting your Bitrise account to your Apple developer account, you will need to provide your Apple ID and password. You will then be prompted for for the Two-Factor-Authentication code.

There are different ways to receive the 6-digit authentication code. If you receive the code on your phone with an SMS message, authentication can fail. Please receive the code on a trusted device using iCloud. You should get an interactive session that will include a map. You will need to select “allow” and you will then receive the 6-digit authentication code.

To read about this and see a video of what it looks like, please click here.

Please refer to Apple documentation for instructions on setting up 2FA using trusted devices.

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Thanks for letting us know that worked and thanks for sharing the information here!


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