Migration from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS without notification

Hi @meatysolutions,

First of all sorry for the inconvenience, I definitely see your point. Based on our internal discussion we plan to adapt a new update policy for the Linux/Android stacks, similar to the Xcode ones:

In this specific case it would have looked like this:

  1. We add the new Ubuntu 18 stack, in addition to the existing Ubuntu 16 and Ubuntu 14 stacks
  2. Then we deprecate the Ubuntu 14 stack, but keep it available for a while. Send notifications & publish the deprecation so that users can prepare.
  3. Finally, remove the Ubuntu 14 stack.

We plan to adapt this update policy for the Linux stacks at the next time we do an Ubuntu upgrade, in about 2 years.

Once again sorry for the inconvenience, we’re doing our best to avoid a breaking change like this in the future.