How to run workflow from script step?

I can not understand what you need. Sorry. cbdb1e7726e1485c dc652165c538229c

Thanks, but what issue are you seeing here? There are only one script step and the variables aren’t empty

I have workflow run_script with script step. In this step I get json file, call workflow build_ios by curl passing a variable from json. In build_ios this variable is empty.

Well, you’ve set these values up in the Advanced tab specifically for this workflow, so the same values are expected to not be present on a different workflow by default.

You could also try using workflow specific env_vars:

I add APP_BRAND to App Environment Variables and Workflows Environment Variables. Did not help.

Well, if you add it to the App environment variables, that will overwrite every workflow’s env_vars, including the ones you are triggering from your script and the advanced tab, so that could be one reason it’s not working. There’s a processing order for env vars:

I tried many options and none have worked yet.

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