Still not possible to use latest version of bundler

There are another topics here with this issue and not fixed yet!

Hi @lucianomlima!

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Admittedly, due to the rather easy workaround of the problem we didn’t treat it as a priority issue. Sorry for the inconvenience this situation caused, rest assured we are looking into the long-term solution :slight_smile:

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Hi @lucianomlima,
There is a new version of fastlane-install available (2.5.1):

Bundler is installed before executing bundle install, in case a Gemfile.lock is present. The specific version defined in the Gemfile.lock under BUNDLED WITH is installed and used to run the bundle install command.
The issues fixed include the error messages printed during build: rbenv: bundle: command not found
and You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile.

The fix is also available in:
cocoapods-install (Release 1.8.0 · bitrise-steplib/steps-cocoapods-install · GitHub)
deploy-to-itunesconnect-deliver (Release 2.16.0 · bitrise-steplib/steps-deploy-to-itunesconnect-deliver · GitHub)

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