Last lines of the Xcode's build log: Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.2'

We are an organization currently building apps in iOS and Android. We are thinking to move our iOS build system to Bitrise. Currently we have a single MAC server for the build purpose.
In our iOS build system , We are dynamically creating the provisional profiles and using the same P12 certificate which is in our git.
The dynamically created Provisioned profiles will be uploaded to git once created , so they can be refered during next build for the same app.

Using Bitrise, we are able generate the provision profile dynamically using Fastlane commands and we are able to upload them to git as well.

Certificate Installation step is executing fine in bitrise. However we are facing issue while archiving with Xcode. We are currently using the following xcodebuild commands :

xcodebuild -workspace ${BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR}/abc/abc.xcworkspace -scheme ABC -archivePath ${BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR}/abc/ archive -allowProvisioningUpdates

security unlock-keychain -p ${BITRISE_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD} ${HOME}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ${BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR}/ABC.xcArchive -exportPath ${BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR}/abcd -exportOptionsPlist ${BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/info-plist.plist -allowProvisioningUpdates

Info-plist.plist :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> method ad-hoc compileBitcode

Code Signing Error: There are no accounts registered with Xcode. Add your developer account to Xcode
Code Signing Error: No profiles for ‘’ were found: Xcode couldn’t find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ‘’.

Can you please guide us how to authenticate our developer account with your Bitrise Xcode.

Our build URL :
