Integrate with

From @dagio on Sat Apr 30 2016 21:03:41 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Hey @viktorbenei. I have a first version here : (the app source is here

Notes :

  • It’s compatible for iOS and Android (but I only checked iOS)
  • It creates a variable APPETIZE_APP_URL to be reused in others steps

So basically we need to generate an IPA for the simulator. A quick script will do but we probably need to handle it using the Xcode archiver step ?

Here are the 2 steps in a workflow :

    - script@1.1.0:
        - content: |-

            xcodebuild -showsdks

            echo "Schema is $BITRISE_SCHEME"
            echo "Workspace is $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH"

            app_folder=`xcodebuild \
              -scheme $BITRISE_SCHEME \
              -workspace $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH \
              -configuration Debug \
              -arch i386 \
              -sdk iphonesimulator9.3 \
              -showBuildSettings | grep -m 1 BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR | grep -oEi "\/.*"`

            app_filename=`xcodebuild \
              -scheme $BITRISE_SCHEME \
              -workspace $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH \
              -configuration Debug \
              -arch i386 \
              -sdk iphonesimulator9.3 \
              -showBuildSettings | grep -m 1 WRAPPER_NAME | grep -oEi "[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.app"`

            xcodebuild \
              -scheme $BITRISE_SCHEME \
              -workspace $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH \
              -configuration Debug \
              -arch i386 \
              -sdk iphonesimulator9.3


            envman add --key BITRISE_SIMULATOR_IPA_PATH --value "$app_filepath"

            envman print
        - working_dir: "$BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR"
    - git::
        is_always_run: false
        - app_path: $BITRISE_SIMULATOR_IPA_PATH
        - platform: "ios"
        - appetize_token: "YOUR_TOKEN_GO_HERE"